Well-rounded artistry
Vocal Education

For a detailed overview of HOV’s approach visit: HOV Philosophy

It is important to HOV that students have a great understanding of their instrument.

The only way this can be achieved is through vocal lessons and education centred around a singers individual instrument.

HOV students learn about the body, the key muscle groups in singing, what their individual habitual makeup is, awareness and “feeling” of these muscles, how programmed relationships in the body can influence sound, the recognition and retraining of the mind to better influence sound eg. overcontrol “letting go”  and any blocks getting in the way of our vocal success.

HOV students learn:

  • Anatomy of the body relevant to singing and the vocal process
  • How to integrate visualisation techniques and HOV Method Analogy Visualisations being one of HOV’s greatest strengths: – making beginner to advanced technique accessible
  • Increase your understanding of your body specifically in singing so that you can make better vocal choices.
  • Teaching you to teach yourself, rather than always being at the mercy of outside assessment
  • Inward body awareness training
  • What individual patterns and vocal habits exist in your body that are influencing your singing
  • Which muscles have direct relationships that can influence your singing
  • The right vocal lessons to apply this knowledge to advance your vocal skills easily and effectively
  • How neurological and scientific advancements in vocal lessons and training can change your voice

Vocal Education is compulsory in lessons and is not a customisable aspect to vocal training.


It is a compulsory practice for students to set goals as part of HOV Goal Program

Whether you are just beginning or you are a seasoned performer, it is important to not only direct your focus, but to continue to evolve and challenge yourself as a vocalist, performer and individual.

In your first lesson at HOV, goals will be set and over weeks monitored.

Every term students touch base on these goals, rework and add so as to continually evolve and stay on track in the areas of technique, performance, mindset and performance practise.